European Guardianship Network

Handover outcomes ProGuard to EGN


The European project ProGuard was implemented from 2017 to 2019 in eight European countries: the Netherlands (coordinator), Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy and Latvia. The broad range of partners in ProGuard (both organisations providing guardianship and other organisations and networks working for unaccompanied and separated children and their needs) enabled the project to look at the different guardianship systems.

The project was carried out by Nidos (NL, coordinator) and partners Center for Missing and Exploited Children (HR), Danish Red Cross (DK), National Institute for Health and Welfare (FI), Jugendhilfe Süd-Niedersachsen (DE), METAdrasi (HE),  Amici dei Bambini (IT),  Orphan’s Court Latvia, (LV), Council of the Baltic Sea States, Missing Children Europe and Child Circle.

The project delivered an online toolkit for guardians which includes a train-the-trainer programme ( and the Pilot Assessment system (PAS), existing of the Pilot PAS Report and the PAS-tool. Besides this, a Recommendation Report was published.

The outcomes and deliverables of ProGuard were transferred to EGN during the second meeting of the network that took place in Glasgow on 23 September 2019, as a contribution to the network’s mission to develop safe, effective and consistent ways of delivering high quality, child rights based, and accessible guardianship services.


Administered by Nidos  –  Maliebaan 99  –  3581 CH Utrecht  –  The Netherlands  –  +31 88 5011200  –


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