European Guardianship Network

European Guardianship Network

About EGN

EGN is...

EGN is a network of guardianship authorities and agencies, (local) authorities and international and non-governmental organisations.

EGN aims...

EGN aims to promote guardianship and improve guardianship services for unaccompanied and separated children in the EU Member States by exchanging good practices, expertise and other relevant information and sharing ideas and cooperation on common challenges and cross border work.

EGN can help...

EGN can help guardians and guardianship organisations provide better services and help policy makers be better informed about guardianship for unaccompanied and separated children.

New Guidance - Creating a Cycle of Protection: trafficked children

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Read more about New Guidance - Creating a Cycle of Protection: trafficked children

EMN Belgium Presidency High-Level Conference: Summary

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Read more about EMN Belgium Presidency High-Level Conference: Summary

European Commissions recommendations on integrated child protection system

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Read more about European Commissions recommendations on integrated child protection system

New: Practical Tool for Guardians by FRA/EUAA

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Read more about New: Practical Tool for Guardians by FRA/EUAA

EGN Standards for Guardianship Translated

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Read more about EGN Standards for Guardianship Translated

The 7 standards of guardianship

The network promotes 7 standards which:

  • help guide EGN Members in strengthening guardianship in their countries
  • support exchange within the EGN on guardianship practice across Europe
  • inform the development of good practice and capacity building in the EGN
  • underpin the contributions of the EGN to European policy namely the regulatory developments.

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For Guardians

If you are a guardian, EGN can be of added value to your work. Please visit the Documention page under About EGN for more information.

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