European Guardianship Network

European Commissions recommendations on integrated child protection system

As mentioned during the Network meeting in Rome, The Commission published its integrated child protection system recommendations on the 23rd of April, as a commitment in the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child.

The Recommendation will support Member States in strengthening their child protection systems. Authorities at all levels of governance and civil society across all sectors need to work together to protect children from all forms of violence in a coherent and systemic way.

Of particular interest is Para 56 which specifically recommends: 

As an essential part of integrated child protection systems for unaccompanied children, Member States should make particular efforts to expand and strengthen guardianship systems for these children, including by ensuring the rapid designation of sufficient legal guardians or representatives and through participation in the activities of the European Guardianship Network, identifying best practice and sharing expertise. Member States should also ensure effective support for the transition to adulthood of all unaccompanied children.




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