European Guardianship Network

EGN Network meeting Rome

On 15 and 16 April, the first EGN Network meeting of 2024 took place in Rome, hosted by Save the Children Italy. 45 participants shared their national updates, experiences and took part in discussions and working groups around cross border working, child participation and the improvement of the PAS-tool. An important topic during the meeting was the new European migration pact. A panel discussion took place with panelists from Save the Children Italy, Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and UNHCR. What is known about it? Which points relate to unaccompanied children and what impact will this have on everyone’s work? Lots of questions and an excellent opportunity to discuss this together and exchange ideas.

On the second day there was a visit from an 18-year-old Kurdish boy who has been living in Italy for 2 years. In fluent Italian, he told his story and positive experience with CivicoZero, an activity center for unaccompanied minors in Rome. At the end he recited a beautiful poem (translated below):

Wait for me two more minutes, Captain
Let me hug my mum for the last time.
Before I was scared not being able, a day, to see my home again.
Today, it has been a year since I do not see my home.
I’m not seeing my home, I’m not seeing my country… I feel I get crazy.

Wait for me two more minutes, Captain
Let me give a last hug to my dad.
Not being able to hug my dad… you get crazy.

Wait for me two more minutes, Captain
Let me give a last hug to my little brothers.
Not being able to see them… I feel I get crazy.
Wait for me two more minutes, Captain
I look the girl I’m in love with for a last time in her eyes.
I do not see her eyes… I get crazy.

Overall a very successful meeting!

Thanks to all the participants for the valuable discussions and input and to Save the children for hosting us.

The project team is looking forward to the next meeting 13-14 November in Dublin!


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